In 2023, we have diverted 200,000 Pounds from Nashville’s landfill
Each pound costs $1.84 to process for reuse.
This holiday season, help Turnip Green Creative Reuse divert five tons of material (about two weeks of donations) from the landfill! Every year, we accept over 200,000 pounds of reuse materials, which are redistributed to our community through our Creative Reuse Center and programs. This year, these materials served over 3837 MNPS students through after school programming, education kits, and sustainability activities. This transformative work would not be possible without the generous support of community members like you.
The impact of your support is twofold: you are directly reducing our community’s environmental impact, and providing art and STEM education opportunities for Nashville’s youth!
How many pounds will you divert from the landfill?
Why $1.84?
It costs approximately $1,680 a day to cover staffing and facility costs for our 7,000 square foot Creative Reuse Center (CRC). With 6 Creative Reuse Center staff members processing materials, helping customers, and overseeing material distribution for programs, cost adds up! The CRC is the heart of all we do, which is why we invest in its efficiency and integrity.