MOCA MAC or Museum or Contemporary Art Multiple Active Collaborative Community Collectives is an open source community art museum.
Born out of Missy Lindsey and Mikey Mitchell’s Art Classrooms in 2022-23 at McGavock High School in an attempt to increase student engagement in the studio art process. Three bins were labeled in each classroom as “just begun”, “still having fun”, and “almost done”. We encouraged students to exercise their curatorial skills as part of the studio process by deciding both which pile they started making from and which pile they flowed their work into when they were done making. The work from the almost done pile was then eventually moved to the next classroom where students would curate it into where they thought it fit in their flowcation station. Eventually Mikey moved to TSU which is also now a flowcation site and Steve Graham’s classroom at MLK is also a flowcation site. We hope this exhibit gets people in Nashville excited to take a flowcation station TSU students have made or create their own to make their home, business, office, church, library, or community center into a flowcation site and send work throughout Nashville to create a cross-generational community collaborative art collective(s). We hope you join in. Take-Make-Flow #mocamac